5th Annual Socially Relevant Film Festival Returns to New York
Nora Armani, founding artistic director, stated that the goal of the event is to “raise awareness for everyday social issues through the powerful medium of cinema.”
Nora Armani, founding artistic director, stated that the goal of the event is to “raise awareness for everyday social issues through the powerful medium of cinema.”
Heidi Beirich, Director of the Intelligence Project at the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), noted that the United States has always been “deeply racist, deeply anti-Semitic.” Beirich observed, “We have a history of all that kind of bigotry. It’s part of our DNA.”
As a candidate, Trump stated he would express the facts “plainly and honestly.” Yet, the nonpartisan fact-checking website Politifact found differently. It showed that Trump’s statements had a 4 percent veracity rate and that 33 percent of his assertions were actually false.
Pope and Bloomberg agree that the impetus for change is not going to come from Washington. They see cities as the drivers of change and the “key” to tackling the problems of climate change.
Droz Tragos follows the intimate accounts of women as they grapple with the impact of their pregnancies and how the crisis impacts the trajectory of their lives. The insights revealed are quite different from the political pronouncements of elected officials.
A top highlight of the festival was the presence of Chinese dissident Wei JingSheng. He is a renowned human rights activist, a key player in the movement for democracy in China. The testament to his time in prison, “The Courage to Stand Alone: Letters from Prison and Other Writings,” was released in 1997.
Maya Angelou’s message was universal. It was the directive to believe in your own voice, and to know that you are enough.
Danae Elon’s new documentary, “P.S. Jerusalem,” offers a bird’s-eye view of a society at war externally and internally. It is a three-year visual diary. Danae records her move from Brooklyn, New York back to the city of her childhood, Jerusalem.
Women vets are encouraged to suppress their feelings and not appear “weak.” This leads to isolation and an absence of support.
“We are so far away from nature, that we are running into an evolutionary wall,” explains social scientist, Duane Elgin.