“The TRAIN Act Cuts The Heart Out Of The Clean Air Act”—Rep. Henry Waxman
“None of our environmental laws are immune from attack in this Congress.”
“None of our environmental laws are immune from attack in this Congress.”
Boxer zoned in on the TRAIN Act”. She didn’t mince words. “Let me be clear,” she pronounced. “This is a dangerous train. It is a train wreck, and it has to be stopped.”
There is a mighty contingency out there that will continue to promote the concept that the Environmental Protection Agency is Al Capone, not Eliot Ness.
Currently, pushback against the EPA’s efforts to move forward on regulating mercury and other air toxins from power plants has fallen strikingly along party lines.
The support of a strong environmental agenda by our elected officials is essential to safeguarding clean air and water.
There is no more potent force than a mother who is fighting for the safety of her children. They don’t have to be trained activists; just spurred to mobilize in their own way.
Reports about the air and water, and other potential hazards in our environment, are prevalent.
We can’t look away, no matter how disquieting or overwhelming.