Tagged: Donald Trump

ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt Fails His Mission

Greenblatt’s ADL bio asserts that the objective of the ADL is “to secure justice and fair treatment to all.” It’s evident that in his lackluster response to the performance at Madison Square Garden, Greenblatt failed his objective.

“Trumping Democracy” — New Documentary Traces Trump’s Election Win

As a candidate, Trump stated he would express the facts “plainly and honestly.” Yet, the nonpartisan fact-checking website Politifact found differently. It showed that Trump’s statements had a 4 percent veracity rate and that 33 percent of his assertions were actually false.

Trump Puts Big Oil Over the American People

Trump’s presentation in the Oval Office was his version of political theater. He held up the signed documents housed in a portfolio, like a teacher showing illustrations to a first-grade classroom. He engaged in a monologue with the usual inflections, inflations, and disinformation.