FRACTURED: Artist Graupe-Pillard Tackles Environmental Threats
Graupe-Pillard delivered the cautionary note, “The paintings are a precursor to a devastating scenario if individuals remain uninvolved.”
Graupe-Pillard delivered the cautionary note, “The paintings are a precursor to a devastating scenario if individuals remain uninvolved.”
“The work is a commentary on the age I have lived in. I am a documentarian, recording the critical moments of my life and those of society.”
The scab of 9/11 may have fallen away, but the scar which remains has in no way faded with time.
StJohn is very clear that emotional issues around military service must be resolved before women can move forward. “We acknowledge the impact of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Military Sexual Trauma (MST), and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).
Mohammed demands parity for women with the men of Iraq and promotes secular and human rights, earning her the antagonism of Islamic fundamentalists—who have threatened her life.
The coroner explains that she was forced to the ground and shot at close range, reflecting “extreme hatred” on the part of her killers.
At the beginning of the evening, Rose appealed to the audience to “accept and listen to thoughts and ideas” they may disagree with. He had little more success with his two guests, who frequently spoke over each other, making parts of their conversation inaudible.