Dr. Robert D. Bullard: Justice For Our Children
I reached out to Bullard for an overview on the evolution of the Environmental Justice movement, which has served as a prism through which to examine policy based on race, environment, and waste.
I reached out to Bullard for an overview on the evolution of the Environmental Justice movement, which has served as a prism through which to examine policy based on race, environment, and waste.
Mars, Jimmy, and Me, which features a dedication to the Earth on its opening page, combines humor, whimsy, and science to jumpstart an examination of pollution, economic justice, and individual responsibility.
Each citizen must be pro-active and cannot expect—nor depend on— President Obama to do all the heavy lifting around their advocacy concerns. This goes for environmental issues.
“None of our environmental laws are immune from attack in this Congress.”
Boxer zoned in on the TRAIN Act”. She didn’t mince words. “Let me be clear,” she pronounced. “This is a dangerous train. It is a train wreck, and it has to be stopped.”
Observing the rolling fields, horses and cows, undisturbed acres of rocks and trees, I felt particularly protective of what the earth offers us—and what we need to do to defend it.
Under Rick Perry’s tenure, Texas became far and away the nation’s largest CO2 emitter. If it were its own country—as Mr. Perry has advocated in the past—it would be the 8th biggest polluter in the world.
In the South Georgia Rivers and blackwater systems, the amount of mercury in bass is close to double the amount that the EPA has approved as the standard safety level.
Although our elected officials have closed down shop in Washington for a recess, the game isn’t over.
Erin Brockovich came to Midlothian in 2005. She told me that if I lived anywhere else in the nation, we would have a lawsuit. However, she informed me that Texas was a “business first, people second,” state.