Personal Responsibility and the Fight for Clean Air
Instead of people just shaking their heads and sighing, “Well, what can I do?”…The answer is simple. Take a proactive step.
Instead of people just shaking their heads and sighing, “Well, what can I do?”…The answer is simple. Take a proactive step.
Unpopular issues have never been a magnet for winning friends and admirers.
McCarthy went head to head with Barrasso when he pushed the cost/benefit analysis argument. Her answer was a terse, “We actually put a value on human life.”
Right now, our country is at a turning point on many issues. One of these is the matter of whether we get clean air.
Currently, pushback against the EPA’s efforts to move forward on regulating mercury and other air toxins from power plants has fallen strikingly along party lines.
I’m not leaving the fight for clean air, safe water, and a non-toxic environment to the cynics.
There is no more potent force than a mother who is fighting for the safety of her children. They don’t have to be trained activists; just spurred to mobilize in their own way.
Our children are the future. They are affected by the food they eat, the air they breathe, the land they live on, and the cities they inhabit.
Perhaps of greatest concern, was the way the bill was rushed through the House Agriculture Committee and the floor of the House.
The American Lung Association conducted a bipartisan poll which showed that the public trusts the EPA to protect their health.