Tagged: Reproductive Rights

New York Voters: Proposition 1 Is On the Ballot

The amendment language states that it will protect the right to abortion for all New Yorkers. It will also close all loopholes in the State Constitution to ensure that no New Yorker can be discriminated against by the government, regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, pregnancy status, disability status, or whether someone is LGBTQ+.

Uniting on the War Against Women

At the April 28, 2012 Unite for Women In New York March and Rally, there was consistent, verbalized incredulity that in the 21st century women were refighting old battles that were supposed to have been won.

Women Leaders Hold Press Conference on the Presidential Election

Inevitably, during the Q & A, inquiries were posed about the latest polls and the Sarah Palin factor. Gandy replied that “polls will shift” when people find out more about Palin’s record. On an ironic note, Gandy opined, “I love it that the Republicans have discovered sexism. Before that…it was whining.”