Tagged: Women’s Issues

Feminists Are the Majority

Eleanor Smeal, President of the Feminist Majority, told listeners, “Feminists are everywhere.” She qualified the Democratic platform as “the strongest platform for women’s rights every adopted by a major party in the United States.”

Women Tapping Technology

Blogging about Iranian culture and political affairs is how Mina Zand Siegel brings visibility to gender equality. She said, “Women’s issues are very important. I’m adamant about it.” In her posts on “IranWrites” she probes topics ranging from the hejab to her reaction Benazir Bhutto’s assassination.

Frozen River: Breaking Through the Pack

During the summer stretch, most studios push movies featuring comedy, adventure escapism, or musical light fare. Sony Pictures Classics has chosen to release a grown-up movie showcasing two women in the leads, its own brand of action, and rich multi-layered content.

Women’s Equality…Why Not Now?

The July 4th weekend is over, and I am still reflecting on where women are in the political and cultural landscape of America. Abigail Adams didn’t get to sign the Declaration of Independence, Betsy Ross sewed the flag, and how many people even know who Deborah Samson Gannett was?